
141 Shooting Range Blogs

Active Shooter Program Coming To Salvation Army

By |Shooting Range Blogs|

Active Shooter Program Coming To Salvation Army October 11, 2019, La Crosse, Wis. – Today Vistelar is conducting a 4-hour training program on “How to survive an active assailant entering your building.” This specific training will be for the Salvation [...]

10 things you must consider before coming to firearms training

By |Shooting Range Blogs|

This list is for firearms classes only! CPR/First-Aid and Active Shooter classes are performed at the location specified in ticket confirmation email that is sent following registration. 1. Hearing protection (plugs or muffs are fine). We recommend wearing both soft [...]

Concealed carry classes arkansas: How to pick the right weapon

By |Shooting Range Blogs|

Many people all over the Arkansas have concealed carry permits(check our video if you need a license for concealed carry), and carry a firearm for self-defense and the protection of their families and loved ones. When it comes to your [...]